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Just Cause 3 - Top of the World Prequel

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 12:33 pm
by Waddy
This is the story of how I got to the top of the mountain in the first place. Montana is a hot, hot province. Hot as in full of military men and machines. The train seemed the safest way out despite being chased by a helicopter at one point. Who destroyed that I wonder? My goal was the coast, hence the constant map checking. The little pointer on the dot that is me tells you which way you're pointing. That's handy when you're in the middle of a town or a military base looking for things on the list to destroy. :D

Re: Just Cause 3 - Top of the World Prequel

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 5:11 am
by nofitg
If you chose a good spot, perhaps where the ground falls away steeply, or where the railway track goes over a bridge, you can blow up a train to great effect. It will scatter bits across both tracks, so the next trains coming along from etither direction will run into them and get wrecked. A self-perpetuating crash.

The railroad is also where you can drive a fast car flat out for miles. You need to watch out for oncoming trains though. There is a trophy for driving a certain number of miles at speed i think, and also a list of who has driven at over a certain speed for the greatest distance

Deal with attacking helicopters - whilst riding a train, tether the chopper to the train, which will at some point enter a tunnel, causing the helicopter to crash.